Group Leaders
leslie willard
Leslie started practicing yoga in 2009. With an athletic background in running, surfing, gymnastics, cheerleading and breakdancing, her yoga practice was quick to grow and develop as her next athletic endeavor. It wasn't until she completed Power Yoga Teacher Training in 2015, that she realized she wanted to make teaching yoga a huge part of her life. Forever inspired by her teachers and supportive community, Leslie cannot be more thrilled to share the gift of yoga with others. What started out as a way to burn calories, has now become a regular practice, and a spiritual lifestyle. "Yoga is my pillar of strength, and my mat is always there to support me through any obstacle in life."
Wednesdays at Noon
Andrea Green
Andrea holds a Fitness Technology Certificate from Portland Community College. Her training style focuses on intense cardio, flexibility, posture, muscle endurance, and strength training. Andrea is a Sculpt yoga specialist (cardio and weights hybrid along with yoga positions).
Her personal fitness accomplishments include: 17 years of cardio and strength training experience; 2 years of sculpt yoga experience; 2 years of dance training; 6 months of spinning training.
Andrea's group is designed:
to increase strength, range of motion, muscle endurance
to burn calories and gain muscle
for all levels of fitness and exercise experience
Join Andrea to build strength, stamina, and endurance. This dynamic group makes use of a wide-range of techniques that incorporate kettle bells, dumb bells, and medicine balls. This combination has been shown to provide you with many health benefits, including reduced risk of heart disease.
Strength Training
Tuesdays: 12:05-12:55pm
Thursdays: 5:10-6:00pm
Fee : $5.00 drop in
Nila Holcombe
Nila loves inspiring others to stretch, flow, and experience yoga. She is a former professional East Indian Classical dancer and teacher, now leading Yin/Restorative Yoga (seated/supine poses held for 3-4 minutes) and Yoga Basics (Slow Flow Hatha).
Both groups will encourage you to slow down, stretch your body and calm your mind. [Taekwon Do class at the PSBO Wellness Center]
Yin/Restorative Yoga
Mondays at 12:00
Yoga Basics
Tuesdays 11:00 - 11:50am
Laura Chisolm
Laura is a certified Vinyasa Yoga instructor, with training in mindfulness-based stress reduction techniques and wellness coaching. Her yoga style emphasizes deliberate mindful movement and flow, while encouraging increased mind-body awareness.
She received her 200-hour training at Lotus Seed in Portland and is certified in both MPH & MCHES.
Vinyasa Yoga
Fridays at 12:00pm
Liz Thorne
Liz has been practicing yoga for over 10 years, and leading groups for nearly five. The Vinyasa style of yoga focuses on alignment, cultivating strength and uniting breath and movement.
Her hope is that people leave her yoga group with strong bodies, open hearts, and calm minds.
Yoga Basics
Wednesday at 12:00pm