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800 NE Oregon Street
Portland, OR 97232

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If you're thinking of joining - read on!

Who Can Join?

Anyone who is employed by a tenant of the Portland State Office Building (PSOB) is eligible. VISTA members located at the PSOB may also join.

How Much Does It Cost?

For state and non-state employees, there is a one-time $10 joining fee. State employees will also pay $4 for the first month of dues, and subsequent monthly dues will be paid via payroll deduction. Non-state employees will pay $48 for a full year of dues, and subsequent dues will be paid annually via credit or debit card. Employees may also rent an assigned locker, when available, for an additional $1 per month. VISTA members may join for a flat $20 fee for their year of service and will have access to Day Use lockers.  

What is Needed to Join?

In addition to standard contact information you will need to provide the following:

·      Employer name (must be current PSOB tenant)

·      Employee ID number (State employees and VISTA members only)

·      State of Oregon employee badge number (first five numbers located on the back of badge)

·      Members must also read the liability waiver and agree to waive and release the PSOB Wellness Center from liability

To join, click on the Join button at the bottom of the page.